Herefordshire & Worcestershire

Wp  location detail

Herefordshire and Worcestershire have hundreds of places of worship of all denominations and ages. For example Saxon carvings and structures are incorporated into several churches through re-builds, at Bromyard, Abberley and at Worcester Cathedral, while modern churches service new housing around the two main cities. They all have one thing in common - they need to be maintained.

The SPAB Maintenance Cooperatives Project provides support, training and resources to help those who want to help look after these buildings. We aim to develop networks of volunteers who can carry out basic preventative maintenance tasks.

Co-operatives in this region

  • Droitwich
  • Kidderminster & Bewdley
  • The Teme Valley
  • Bromyard & Bredenbury
  • Bartestree Cross
  • Leominster Link
  • Golden Valley
  • Blue Lias

What we have been up to

So far nearly 300 individuals have been involved with the project in Herefordshire and Worcestershire.   Many places of worship in the co-ops have completed baseline surveys, some now have maintenance plans in place and many have carried out basic maintenance tasks or held working parties. 

We have four volunteer leads, two each for Herefordshire and Worcestershire but as more places of worship get involved, we will need to recruit additional help.   Our project steering group includes the Diocesan Places of Worship Support Officers and the volunteer leads meet regularly to plan the future direction of work in this area.

Read Kate Andrew's regular newsletters about what's going on in Herefordshire and Worcestershire below.  If you would like to subscribe, contact her using the details below.

February 2015 Newsletter Herefordshire & Worcestershire

May 2015 Newsletter Herefordshire & Worcestershire

August 2015 Newsletter Herefordshire & Worcestershire

December 2015 Newsletter Herefordshire & Worcestershire

By following William Morris’s rallying cry to “stave off decay by daily care” volunteers will be helping to preserve the historic fabric of these buildings for current and future generations to use and enjoy.

Find out more and get involved

Contact local Project Officer Kate Andrew:
