The SPAB John Betjeman Award 2017 - call for entries

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Places of worship are… the history of English art displayed in living form…” John Betjeman

The SPAB John Betjeman Award 2017 is now open for entries. The Award is given to celebrate excellence in the conservation and repair of places of worship of any faith in England and Wales which remains in use for worship.  It recognises and rewards the highest standards of conservation craftsmanship and the winning project is publicised as an example to others of good practice.

It is not essential that the building is listed as being of architectural or historic interest. The age or architectural significance of the building is less important than the quality of the repair.

The Award is made to the place of worship and not to any individual responsible for the work. It celebrates the project, the building, and the community that cares for it. The Award is given for specific repair to, or conservation of, a single element of the building, rather than a general programme of works. Repair work of any scale is eligible, but it must be to the fabric of the building (e.g. roof, tower, wall, floor, window) or to a significant item of fixed internal fitting or furnishing (e.g. screen, monument, tomb, pews, pulpit). Work to enlarge or extend a place of worship, to rearrange its internal space, or to alter or adapt its fittings or furnishings is not eligible. The work must have received appropriate approval (Faculty or equivalent permission / listed building consent) and have been completed within the previous 18 months.

Details of the Award, eligibility information, and the judging criteria, along with an entry form can be found on the SPAB website.

The closing date for entries is 21st February 2017

It is worth having another look at the 2016 winner, the Church of Michael and All Angels in Bishop’s Cleeve for their project to repair a medieval staircase thought to be the oldest surviving example in oak. Thought to be constructed during the years of the Wars of the Roses by an unknown joiner, the treads were made from solid pieces of oak hewn from trees which were probably growing in 1300 or earlier.