How to get Involved

Whether you are responsible for taking care of a place of worship, would like to find out more about volunteering or would just like to get involved please get in touch with us using the form below.

We’re always looking for volunteers to help places of worship with a variety of maintenance activities and you don’t need to be associated with a particular place of worship to volunteer your help with a Maintenance Co-operative.

Volunteering can involve looking as well as doing. It may be helping with IT, health and safety, publicising activities, undertaking or recording a Condition Survey of the building. Some volunteer activities may even be done remotely for example by helping with admin or publicity. You can give as little or as much time as you like.

All skills are welcome but we provide training too so you don’t need to be an expert in anything to volunteer – so if you’re interested in history, architecture, administration, community or DIY and would like to offer your services we’d love to hear from you.

Let us know that you would like to get involved: