
  • A Bat Habitats Regulation Bill

    Bat listing
    14th June 2016

    A Bat Habitats Regulation Bill 2016-2017, sponsored by Lord Cormack, received its First Reading on 7 June in the House of Lords.

  • Bell-ringers wanted by Heritage Open Days

    Clifton campville church bells listing
    13th June 2016

    For this year’s September festival, Heritage Open Days have joined forces with the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers to open up the heritage inside England’s bell towers and bring to life the 400-year old tradition of English-style bell ringing.

  • Parsonages: the buildings and the people who lived within them

    Parsonages listing
    13th June 2016

    A new book on Parsonages by Dr Kate Tiller reveals the stories of places which are more than just buildings.

  • Project Viability and Project Development grants

    Logo 2x listing
    7th June 2016

    The National Churches Trust launched their new Project Viability and Project Development grants pilot programme on the 1st June 2016.

  • Taking children around churches

    Childrenguide low suffolk2 listing
    2nd June 2016

    Providing information about your church specifically aimed at children can help ensure they have a more interesting and enjoyable time as well as perhaps making them keener to visit other churches in future.